About me
As an Ambulatory Surgery Consultant, I offer my expertise to clinics and hospitals.
Passionate about Ambulatory Surgery as an innovation, I can help with:
- Systemic audit with process reviews
- Specific architectural design
- Interim management mandates
- Professional and public conferences

My professional experience
Throughout my professional career, I have always remained close to clinical activity. Being a Nurse-anesthetist with a solid managerial training, I contributed from 2007 to the design of the Ambulatory Surgery Center, DaisY in Yverdon, Switzerland and worked there as a COO until 2020. Its design has been an outstanding success story, which now serves as a blueprint for other projects.
This led me to accept a mandate to design a center for the Clinique CIC in French speaking Switzerland. After a short period of operation, during which we were able to validate the efficiency of the clinic as a production tool, the center temporarily sadly closed its doors for political reasons.
Since then, I have accepted temporary management assignments in the field of day surgery and currently support a large-scale, innovative project in Toulouse/France.
Participant and speaker at various international congresses, I often meet colleagues from elsewhere to discover and exchange experiences.
My Values
I promote a virtuous corporate culture, encouraging empowerment and taking responsibility. I put my commitment to the benefit of my customers and do this with an enthusiastic affinity for simplification and innovation.
Systemic audits
My expertise helps you to obtain an inventory of your surgical sector. The audit report lists the observations, assesses the risk and resumes some proposals for improvement.
Specific areas of expertise:
- Review of care processes, care mapping
- Adjustment of allocated resources, staffing calculation
- Infrastructure compliance
Specific architectural design
Support in the design of freestanding CCA projects or attached to an existing building:
- Sizing and setup of the technical platform
- Operating catalog
- Calculation of HR needs
- Impact analysis on existing structures
- Implementation of clinical pathways
- Communication
Professional and public conferences
Presentations on Ambulatory Surgery:
- Ambulatory surgery as a quality approach
- Economic aspects, incentives, invoicing
- Strategic issues
Do you want to develop your Surgical Ambulatory potential ? Free up valuable space in your clinic or hospital ?
Do you need a diagnosis of your ASC organization ? Or just ask a few questions on the subject, maybe visit a center ?
Each mandate will be the subject of an offer as well as a disclosure agreement.
Publications and presentations Brian Oosterhoff
- “To succeed in day surgery, the patient must also be involved through a targeted information strategy.” Presentation “La chirurgie ambulatoire, Enjeux et Perspectives” Séminaire Pratique Santé avril 2015, Lausanne
- “If we can no longer provide high quality day surgery due to lack of funding, our patients will end up exposed to hospital acquired conditions in a hospital bed. Today, a DRG payments involves a hospital stay. We could just take out the requirement to pass midnight and thus flatrate the services, regardless of the length of stay. ». Interview « Le nouveau Tarmed écorche l’ambulatoire” BILAN mai 2016.
- “The fundamental difference between a hospital and an ASC is that one is historically centered on accommodation, and the other dedicated to care. » Presentation. Comment réussir le virage ambulatoire en chirurgie ? Healthcare round Table PWC, Morges, Février 2018
- “An open space design of the recovery room and the operating theater provides a safe and reassuring overview while preserving patient privacy.” Presentation at the 38th Annual Seminar “International Union of Architects / Public Health Group. Paris France Mai 2018
- “To succeed in day surgery, you have to adapt the architecture, manage your processes and teams independently of the hospital, change mentalities and incentives.” Interview Journal Compétences, nov 2018 : “Get your surgical patients out of their beds and out of the hospital! They waste their time, health, and money.” Presentation. OP-Management Symposium Davos/CH, sept 2018
- “The Kodak story demonstrates how dangerous it can be for a business to resist innovation. Ambulatory Surgery is about innovation of care, not about beds.” Presentation at the Annual Conference of the British Association of Day Surgery. Royal Society of Medicine, London, June 2019
- “The outpatient approach is not about treating patients with outdated “hospital” methods and then sending them home, hoping for the best. It requires specific multidisciplinary collaboration to make the results predictable and safe.” Artikel. Journal d’anesthésie SIGA/ SFIA, avril 2019